Everytime, Everywhere, Everyday SMILE

Everytime, Everywhere, Everyday SMILE

Saturday, September 11, 2010


At first the pencil maker told the pencils, "There are five things you need to know before I send you to the world."
Always remember this and you will be traffic system is the best pencil you can
You will be able to do great things only if you let yourself be held by the person
You will experience things that are painful because the expression from time to time, but it's very necessary if you want to become a better pencil
You have the ability to correct any mistakes you may make

The most important part of you is what is in

In most circumstances you must keep writing. You should still leave a clear scratch in any difficult situation

The pencil understood and promised to remember the purposes of the creators and menahami

Now replace the pencil with you, always remember and never forget, and you will be the best person you can.

You will be able to do great things, but only if you hold by Him. And allow other people to enjoy the talents that you possess

You will experience things that are hurtful because sharpened from time to time, through a variety of problems, but you need to become a stronger person

You have the ability to correct mistakes that you do

The most important part of you is that there is in you

In each step, you should leave a mark. Whatever the situation, you must serve God in all things
Every person is like a pencil ... created by the author is unique and has a special purpose

By remembering and understanding, let us live in a world with a meaningful purpose in our hearts and build a relationship with God every day.

You are created by Him to do great things.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Just for Me: My Heavenly Dog

Just for Me: My Heavenly Dog: "Almost three years ..You left us here ..I miss you ..Little Dao- Dao I still remember..The last moment before you go..You crying on my fe..."

My Heavenly Dog

Almost three years ..
You left us here ..
I miss you ..
Little Dao- Dao

I still remember..
The last moment before you go..
You crying on my feet..
You don`t want me to leave you..
That is making me hurt ..
Seeing your bed dying ..
If time can be played back ..
I will always take care of yourself ..
I will not let anyone poison the food!

I really like the way you sleep, Dao ..
Seeing you run ..
Your little feet and your body is round ..
Always makes me laugh ..

I also remember when you start learning to walk ..
We laughed happily ..
Very funny to see you set foot ..
I cried happy ..
I love you, Dao!
I miss you so much!!

How are you there, Dao?
Have you meet your mother there?
Have you meet your brother and sister there?
I really-really miss you, Little Dao-Dao!

You are my Heavenly Dog..
That I ever had..

In memoriam our Dao- Dao
16 November 2006

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When Love breaks down into Deeds

Her skin was black. Her face was far from pretty. Her age could no longer say that young.
When he first went into her house, he almost believed he was in the house ghost.
Rich and handsome man hesitated for a moment. Can he lead his decision?
But he soon returned to his determination. He had decided to marry and to love the woman.

Whatever the risks.

One time she told him,
"It's my golds that had long since I saved, use this to find a woman dreams, I only need the status that I was never married and became a wife."
But he instead replied, "I've decided to love you. I'll never marry again."

Everyone was amazed. Families that remain intact throughout their lives. Even those blessed with children with beauty and good looks incredible. Many years later the people asking him this secret.
The man replied simply, "I decided to love him. .The best woman I try to do it do all the good he could do for me.Until I never even felt the blacks and ketidakrupawanan faces in my consciousness.What I felt was comfortable life made me forget the physical. "

That love, when he resolved to be deeds. Measuring the integrity of love is when he blossomed in the heart ... outstretched in a word ... decomposes in the works ... If only to stop the heart, that love the weak and helpless.

If only stop in the word, that love is accompanied with false and not real ...
If love has decomposed so doing, love is perfect like a tree; terhujam roots in the liver, the trunk upright in a word, the fruit menjumbai in deeds. Just like faith, etched in the heart, spoken in the oral, and evidenced by the charity.

The more we pondered the meaning of love, the more we find this great fact, that love is only strong when it comes from a strong personal, that integrity can only be born out of love who also have personal integrity. Because love is a desire both to those we love who have to reveal any time of togetherness.

Secrets of a successful relationship lasted a long time is proof of love continuously.What the true lover is giving without interruption. Relationships last long not because of feelings of love that blossomed in the heart, but because of goodness that are born by the relentless feeling of love.

Like the man, who kept his wife happy, so she decided to love it. And his wife, who constantly give birth virtue of love without stopping.



=Written by A mother of an Authistic Child=

Siang itu aku sibuk membaca buku resep makanan khusus untuk anak autistik. Ya, Anakku memang tidak bisa makan sembarang makanan. Salah-salah? anakku bisa berputar-putar seperti gasing jika ada zat dalam makananya yang tidak cocok untuk dikonsumsi oleh anakku.

Ditangan sebelah kiri, ada buku Food diary anakku yang aku tulis sejak pertama kali dia kuperkenalkan pada makanan padat berisi apa saja yang dia cocok untuk tubuhnya, reaksi alergynya dan mana saja makanan yang tidak cocok dan menyebabkan dia overwhelmed. Kebayang gak??

Diusia 4 bulan misalnya, kuberikan jeruk bayi pada anakku, Eh, gak lama kemudian dia muntah dan seluruh tubuhnya seperti dipenuh ULAT BULU. hiiii...

Pernah aku beri dia tomat. Tapi kemudian, berhari-hari dia diare dan uring-uringan. Kuberi dia susu instant anakku malah jingkrak2, Mengepak-ngepakkan tangannya, persis seperti orang gila!!! Dia berputar-putar tanpa merasa lelah, dan kemudian mengamuk ketika tidak mengerti bagaimana cara mengendalikan tubuhnya yang tidak mau diam.
Ahhh, sudahlah life must go on anyway. Kulirik sekali lagi food diarynya.. hmm, hari ini aku harus mencoba memberinya 5ml putih telur tanpa kuningnya, karena 7 hari yg lalu, dia sudah sedikit kebal ketika kukenalkan pada telur ayam ini.

Baru saja hendak memasak, tiba2 kudengar jeritannya. Kucari anakku, tapi tidak kutemukan.

Aku keruang setrika dan disana kutemukan anakku sedang nangkring diatas lemari, dengan setrika panas yang baru saja dicabut oleh BS-nya karena kupanggil untuk membantuku memasak. Setrika panas ini masih nempel di atas punggung tangan kirinya.!!!

Oh My God!!! *panik*

Dari punggung tangannya mengepul asap. Bau daging panggang begitu segar menempel dihidungku. Kuangkat setrika itu dari tangannya dan, aduh Tuhan, aku tidak kuat melihatnya. Sebagian dagingnya menempel dibalik gosokan panas itu :(( :(( :((


Sumpah kalau saja ini bukan anakku, aku pasti sudah mati berdiri karena ketakutan. Melihat daging dari punggung tangannya, yang menempel pada setrika itu. Itu sudah berubah menjadi putih kekuningan. Dan luka di tangannya juga sudah berubah menjadi putih seperti daging ayam matang :((

Aku menjerit sekencang-kencangnya. Kupanggil Baby sitternya yang tadi aku suruh untuk membantuku didapur lalu dengan kesetanan, ku kebut mobilku ke UGD Rumah Sakit, untuk dirawat secara intensif. Begitu anakku segera tertangani tiba2 aku kehilangan seluruh tenagaku. AKU PINGSAN!!!

* * *

Hari itu, lagi-lagi aku sedang mempersiapkan makanannya. Memang khusus untuk makanannya, aku memutuskan untuk memasak sendiri, karena hanya aku yang tahu berapa gram atau mililiter porsi makanan yang masih bisa ditoleransi oleh tubuh anakku.

Sedang membersihkan kompor yang kecipratan makanan tiba-tiba, lagi-lagi kudengar bunyi benda jatuh. GEDEBUK!!!?

Buru-buru kucari sumber suara itu, memastikan bahwa itu bukan anakku
Damn. Oh Tuhan. Lagi-lagi anakku, dia baru saja terjatuh dan sepertinya kepalanya terantuk pada pinggir tembok, sehingga kepala sobek dan berdarah. Dia masih berusaha berdiri, meskipun sempoyongan. Dan sambil berjalan, dia menggaruk luka di kepalanya yang bocor? Sementara darahnya terus aja mengucur deras, tepat di belakang otak kecilnya.

Tangannya berlumuran darah? Punggung bajunya pun juga sudah berubah menjadi merah oleh darah. Tapi dia tidak menangis? Dia hanya berjalan sambil menggaruk luka menganga yang ada dibelakang kepalanya. Aku menjeritttt sekuat2nya. Kepalanya kututupi dengan lap kompor yang tadi aku pegang.

Tapi itupun gak lama? karena dalam sekejap, lap kompor itu sudah berubah menjadi merah kehitaman. Aku berteriak panik, "mbak, minta handuk... CEPATTTT!!!"
Dan lagi2 kukebut mobilku ke rumah sakit, langsung menuju UGD. Disana, dokter yang sudah terbiasa menangani anakku sudah siap menunggu dan segera menjahit kepala anakku.

Dia tidak menangis hanya minta sesuatu yang bulat untuk dia pegang. Dan setelah dijahit dengan 8 (delapan) jahitan Hatikupun sedikit lega. Seluruh persendianku serasa dicopot dari tubuhku, dan tanpa sadar lagi-lagi aku PINGSAN.

* * *

Terlalu banyak cerita haru dan berurai airmata yang kami harus jalani. Berkali-kali jantung kami harus terpacu 100x lipat manakala mereka melakukan hal-hal yang tanpa mereka sadari mencelakai diri mereka sendiri.

Tapi ini bukan keluhan kok, karena saya selalu sadar. Tuhan itu ARSITEK YANG AGUNG. Karyanya tidak pernah gagal. Tidak satupun makluk yang diciptakannya, yang merupakan produk gagal. Jadi ketika dia menciptakan seorang bayi yang memiliki kekurangan, dia tidak pernah lupa untuk menitipkan KELEBIHAN pada anak ini.

So, buat semua orang tua, berhentilah mengeluhkan kekurangan anak kita, mari bantu mereka untuk menemukan kelebihan mereka.

Anakku memang Autistik, tapi aku bangga setiap kali menceritakan bahwa anakku autis. Aku bangga setiap kali menceritakan bagaimana proses menangis berdarah-darah itu, sudah Tuhan ubah menjadi Senyum sukacita dan bangga yang luar biasa.

Selalu ada haru yang menyesakkan dadaku, manakala mendengarkan tangan2 mungilnya menari2 dengan lincah diatas tuts2 piano, mendengarnya bercakap2 dalam bahasa Inggris, seolah yang kudegar
ini adalah anak bule asli yang nyasar dalam tubuh putriku.

Namun, dibalik itu walaupun bangga selalu tersisa rasa risih dan tidak nyaman, kalau tidak ingin dibilang
tersinggung manakala mendengar orang-orang bercanda dengan menggunakan kata "Autis".

Minggu yang lalu sahabat saya menyelenggarakan pesta ultah disebuah resto terkenal, salah satu teman kami, sibuk dengan BB-nya, sehingga teman yang lain menegur begini.."Tuh, liat tuh sill...autis banget khan dia?? KAYAK ANAK LOE khan?? Loe marahin deh sil.. marahin sil... Coba loe terapi dulu nih dia, biar sembuh kayak anak loe" Dan semua lalu tertawa terbahak-bahak?
Saya??? hmmm? Cuma bisa senyum kecut, karena tidak ingin merusak suasana Pesta Ulang Tahun sahabat saya *doh*

Well, saya tahu mereka hanya bercanda, namun biar bagaimanapun, saya sudah merasakan dan tahu betul sulitnya membesarkan anak autistik.

Semoga artikel ini semakin mencerahkan teman-teman mengapa orang sepertinya terlalu over campaign dengan gerakan "Stop Using Autism on our daily jokes" ini.

Semoga berkenan.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I ask about Dad's Sallary

As always Andrew, Head of Branch in a leading private company in Jakarta, arrived at his home at 9 o'clock tonight. Not as usual, Sarah, daughter of his first new third grade elementary school opened the door for him.

It seems that she had waited long enough.

"Why not sleep?" Andrew said, kissing her son.

Usually she was already asleep when he came home and just woke up when he would leave office the morning.

As he followed his father into the family room, Sarah
replied, "I'm waiting for Dad to go home. Because I want to ask how much is Daddy salary ?"

"But unusually, you asked Dad about sallary ? Want to as
k for money anymore, huh?"
"Ah, no. I just want to know " Sarah said curtly.

"Okay. You can count itself. Every day I worked around 10 hours and paid Rp. 400 000, -.
Each month an average of 22 working days counted.Saturday and Sunday off, sometimes Saturday Papa was still overtime. So Papa's salary in one month how many, behold? "

Sarah ran to take paper and pencil from a desk study, while daddy took off his shoes and turned on the television.

When Andrew went into the bedroom to change clothes, she ran after him.

"If one day he paid USD. 400 000,-for 10 hours, meaning an hour Daddy paid USD. 40 000, -" she said.

"Wow, you are clever. Already, now wash your feet and go to sleep" command Andrew
But Sarah did not move.

Daddy watching his dress, Sarah asked again , "Daddy, I'm allowed to borrow money USD. 5000, - or not?"

"There, do not need anymore stuff. Why would ask for money at night? Daddy tired.
And willing to take a shower. Sleep. "
"But Dad ..."
Andrew Patience was running out. "Daddy told you to sleep!" Sarah snaps surprising.

The little boy turned to his room. After bathing, Andrew seems to regret he barked.
He also looked Sarah in her bedroom.

Her beloved child was not sleeping.
Sarah was found sobbing quietly while holding the money 15,000, - in his hand.

As I lay down and stroked the head of the little daughter , Andrew said, "I'm sorry Papa, dear, dear

Papa same Sarah. But why does ask for money at night? If you want to buy toys, tomorrow it could be."

Not only 5,000, - any more than that Papa's love "said Andrew" Papa, I'm baseball ask for money.
I just return it if . I have been saving more than spending money during the week. "

"Yes, yes, but for what?"
Andrew said softly.

"I waited for Dad than eight hours. I'm going to ask Dad to play Snakes and ladders. Thirty minutes only.Mama often said that when Papa was very valuable. So, I want to change the time .
I open my savings, there are only 15,000, - but ..
because Papa said Papa paid USD an hour. 40.000, -then half an hour I had to replace the USD. 20 000, -.But the money savings of less 5,000,so I want to borrow from Papa "she said innocently.
Andrew was silent.
he was lost for words.
The little boy hugged tightly with feelings of emotion.
He just realized, it spills over the property which he gave

This, not enough to "buy" their children's happiness.

"To the world you're just someone, but for someone you are world "

If you want a perfect world, everyone is vanish!

Forgive Mom

I ran into someone who is not known when he passed. "Oh, excuse me" is my reaction.He said, "Excuse me, too. I do not see you."

People are not known, it is also my very politely accepted. Eventually we parted and said goodbye.
But other stories going on at home, see how we treat those we love, young and old.

On that day, when I was cooking dinner, my son stood silently beside me. When I turned, I almost knocked her down. "Move," I said angrily.

She went, her little heart broken.
I did not realize how rough my words to her. When I lay in bed, the word conscience, as if speaking to me, "When you're dealing with people who do not you know, you use the ethical propriety, but the children whom you love, you seem to treat with arbitrary.

Just look to the kitchen floor, you'll find som
e flowers near the door.

" The flowers have been picked solely by your daughter pink, yellow and blue. Your daughter stood silently so as not to thwart the will she make a surprise for you, and you did not even see her wet eyes at that moment. "
Immediately I felt ashamed, and now my tears began to drip. I slowly went to my room and knelt at her bedside, "Wake up, child, wake up," I said. "Are these the flowers you picked for me?" She smiled, "I find it falls from the tree."
"I picked these flowers because they are beautiful like my mother. I know you will love it, especially the blue."
I said, "My child, mother is very sorry for the rough with you, Mom should not have yelled like that." The little girl said, "Oh, Mom, no nothing. I still love you."" I also replied, "Son, I love you too, and I really like these flowers, especially the blue."
Did you realize that if we die tomorrow, the company where we work now could just as easily find a replacement within days we? But the family we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.

Let us ponder, we involve ourselves more deeply to our work than our own family, an unwise investment of course, is not it?

So whether you have understood what the
purpose of the above story? Do you know what the word FAMILY? In English, FAMILY = FAMILY.
FAMILY = (F) Calling (A) ND (M) OTHER, (I), (L) OVE (Y) OU
Do not let our love towards her husband / wife, also our children and further eroded ... grow and multiply time for our family.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Lesson of LOVE

Toshinobu Kubota, who used to be called Shinji said goodbye to her family in the old country to seek better life in America. His father gave him the family savings hidden in a leather pouch.

"Here the situation is difficult," he said as he hu
gged his son and said goodbye. "You are our hope."
Shinji boarded the ship across the Atlantic to
offer free transport for young men who want to work as a coal penyekop return shipping costs for a month. When Shinji found gold in the mountains of Colorado, his family would follow.

Shinji months cultivate their land so tirelessly. L
arge gold vein that does not give earnings a mediocre but regular. Every day when I got home to her cottage consisting of two rooms, Shinji missed and eagerly welcomed by the woman he loves. My only regret when it received bids for their fate to the United States was forced to leave Asaka Matsutoya before formally approached the girl's got a chance. Throughout his memory, family they've been friends during which he secretly hoped to marry Asaka.

Asaka, curly long hair and charming smile made him a daughter Family Yoshinori Matsutoya the most beautiful. New Shinji had sat beside him in the party celebration flowers and writing silly reasons to stop over at her house in order to betemu him. Every night before bed in his cabin, Shinji wanted to caress the hair auburn Asaka and hugged the girl.

Finally,he wrote to his father, asking his help to achieve their dreams.

About a year later, a telegram came to preach Shinji plan to make life complete. Mr. Yoshinori Matsutoya will send her daughter to Shinji in America. Her daughter likes to work hard and have a business intuition. He will work together with Shinji for a year and helped develop the gold mining business. Hopefully, after a year that his family will be able to come to America to attend their wedding.

Shinji heart very happy. He spent another month to change the cabin became a comfortable place to live. He bought a simple bed to bed in the living room and set the former to be worthy of her bed for a woman. Curtains from secondhand burlap sacks that covered his dirty windows replaced with floral fabric from sacks of flour used. On her bedside table he placed the tin container containing dried flowers are picked in a meadow.

Finally, comes the highly anticipated day has been forward to a lifetime.
With a hand carrying a bouquet of fresh daisy freshly picked, he went to the train station. Smoke billowed and creaking wheels when the train approached and then stop
ped. Shinji look at every window, looking smile and curly hair Asaka.Jantungnya pounding in anticipation, then gasped with disappointment.

Not Asaka, but Yumi Matsutoya his brother, who got off the train.
The girl was standing shyly in front of him, his eyes lowered. S
hinji could only be looked stunned. Then, with trembling hands held out a bouquet of flowers to Yumi. "Welcome," he said softly, his eyes staring blankly.
Yumi smile decorating her face is not pretty.

"I'm glad when Daddy said you wanted me to come here," said Yumi, as she briefly looked at Shinji's eyes before quickly looked down again.

"I'll take care your luggage ," Shinji said with a forced smile.

Together they walked into the carriage. Pak Matsutoya and his father was right. Yumi's got a great business intuition. While Shinji worked in the mines, he worked in the office. In a simple table in the corner of the living room, Yumi carefully record all activities on the mines. Within six months, has doubled their assets. Delicious cuisine and a quiet smile to decorate the hut with the magic touch of a woman.

But not this woman I want, Shinji sighed to myself, every night before bed exhausted in the sitting room. Why did they send Yumi?

Will he meet again with Asaka? Do dreams ever to marry Asaka be forgotten? Yumi and Shinji year old working, playing and laughing together, but there was never an expression of love.

Once, Yumi kissed Shinji's cheek before going into her room. The man just smiled awkwardly. Since then, Yumi seemed quite satisfied with both streets to explore the mountains or by chatting on the porch after dinner.
On a spring afternoon, heavy rains flushed
the ridge, making their way into the mine landslide. Annoyed Shinji filling sandbags and laid in such a way to deflect the water flow. Her body was tired and bedraggled, but his efforts seem futile.

Yumi suddenly appeared beside him, holding an open sack.

Shinji shovel and put the sand into it, then by force as strong as men, Yumi threw the bag into a pile and then opened another sack. They work long hours with his feet sinking knee-deep mud, until the rain subsides. By holding hands they walked back to the cabin.

While sipping hot soup, Shinji sighed, "I will not be able to save the mine without you. Thank you, Yumi."
"Likewise," the girl replied, smiling calmly as usual, and without another word he went into his room.

A few days later a telegram arrived telling me that the Family and Family Matsutoya Kubota will arrive next week. Despite trying hard cover it up, heart pounding Shi

nji back as before because the expectation will be met again with Asaka. He and Yumi go to the train station. They see their families got off the train at the edge of the platform.

When Asaka appears, Yumi turned to Shinji. "Embrace
him," he said.
With a shock, said Shinji stammered, "What do you mean?"

"Shinji, had long since I know that I'm not a princess Matsutoya that you want. I notice how you're joking with Asaka in the event of interest and party celebrations." He no
dded toward his sister who was coming down the stairs train. "I know that he, not me, do you want to be your wife."

"But ..."
Yumi Shinji put his finger on his lips. "Ssstt," she whispered. "I love you, Shinji. I have always loved you. Therefore, I wanted just to see you happy. Embrace my bro

Shinji took Yumi's hand from her face and held it. When Yumi looked up,

for the first time that Shinji saw how beautiful she was.

He remembers when they walk in the meadow, remember the nights quiet they enjoy in front of the fireplace, remember when Yumi helped fill sandbags. It was then that she realized what was actually for months has no knowledge.

"No, Yumi. You are what I want." Shinji pulled the girl into his arms and kissed her with love who suddenly swelled inside his chest.

Their families clustered around them and shouted, "We came to

attend your wedding!"